Overview Although Network Virtualization with NSX-T allows for dynamic provisioning and fluid movement of workloads between physical networks and compute environments, there are still times where VLAN bridging is necessary. In NSX-T, there are 2 primary methods for doing this: Layer 2 Bridging L2 Bridging is useful for spanning a Segment across physical and virtual workloads, generally for the purposes of migration. This solution requires adjacency between the networks that need bridging. Click here...
Check out my YouTube video showcasing how to automate NSX-T using DevOps tools such as Terraform, Jenkins, GitLab, and GitHub!...
While writing Terraform for NSX-T, I found myself yearning to have a quick-list of all the available Context Profile (L7) entries available that are pre-created in NSX-T for use in DFW rules. So, I decided to export all of them via the API Command GET https://
By now, you may have heard of the free non-profit Certificate Authority (CA) service known as LetEncrypt. The service offers anyone access to certificates that are signed and trusted by most modern web browsers default certificate store. The best part…they’re free! In my case, I’m interested in a wildcard certificate that I can apply to my entire lab environment. Installing Tools The first step is to install a tool called Certbot, which will be...
In NSX-T, the N-VDS is the virtual switch used to control data-plane traffic through the network and security kernel modules installed on the Transport Node. In the case of a vSphere-based Transport Node, one must dedicate at least 1 physical NIC to the N-VDS in order to facilitate access to these services (such as overlay networking and/or East/West micro-segmentation). In a production environment where resiliency is required, one option available is to configure...
Yes, that is my spin on "Hello World". I've decided to give this blogging thing a try. I've been doing enough random testing in my VMware lab that I feel like I need to share my trials and triumphs with the community. Wish me luck!...